Beanie Boo Birthdays: July

July Birthdays

JULY 01 - Firecracker the Cat
JULY 01 - Maple the Moose
JULY 01 - NanookNanuq the PolarBear
JULY 01 - Tomato the Chihuahau
JULY 02 - IceBurg the Seal
JULY 03 - Valor the Chihauhau
JULY 04 - Stars the Bear
JULY 06 - Opal the Owl
JULY 08 - Juliet the Penguin
JULY 10 - Owliver the Owl
JULY 11 - Rusty the Raccoon
JULY 14 - Grimm the Reaper
JULY 18 - Izzy the LadyBug
JULY 18 - London the Dog
JULY 18 - Nacho the Chihuahauh
JULY 19 - Bubblegum the Lemur
JULY 20 - SkyHigh the Giraffe
JULY 24 - Gatsby the Dog
JULY 27 - Coconut the Monkey
JULY 31 - Spells the Owl